Who are we?
We are a congregation made up of people from all ages and backgrounds, sharing a desire to know more of who God is and the message of grace through Jesus Christ, as revealed on the pages of the Bible. For a brief summary of what we believe, click here.
What happens here?
We meet primarily to worship and praise God. During the service which normally lasts about an hour, we sing four Psalms (our worship songs from the Bible), pray, read a portion of the Bible, and then listen to the message our Minister has from the chosen reading. Our worship style is simple and traditional; singing in unison with no musical accompaniment, in the format we believe is warranted in the Bible. Samples of the tunes and melodies we use can be found on our 'Sermons & Audio' page.
After the service, we gather in the fellowship area for some tea or coffee, and some biscuits.
To listen to sermons visit the 'Sermons & Audio' page. Also, you can tune in on Zoom, using the link below - you'd be most welcome.
Password - 587791
I'm new, what should I expect?
Firstly, a warm welcome at the door! Our service is held in the main sanctuary, and on your way to your seat you can collect a Bible and song book (called the 'Scottish Psalter'). There are no requirements of you; we welcome you to come and listen, but by all means join in with the singing if you can! Someone will be available to speak to should you have any questions. Most folk dress formally, though it is not a prerequisite. You will find a form for contacting us at the bottom of this page too.
Who can come?
Anyone! We would be so glad to meet you, whether you are looking for a new church, visiting Aberdeen or exploring the Christian faith. Contrary to popular belief, church is for everyone!
What do we have for children?
We run a Sunday school prior to our morning service, where school-aged children meet and are told some of the many great stories in the Bible, while interacting with each other. Children of all ages are most welcome and invited.
How is our church run?
The congregation is led by the ' Kirk Session,' consisting of the Minister and our Elder. They are responsible for the oversight of all church matters. To assist with more practical matters, we have two 'Deacons,' who oversee the practical matters, such as finances and building maintenance. We are part of the Inverness Presbytery (regional governing body) of our denomination.
What is our vision?
To be a church which gives glory to God, is clear in its proclamation of the Gospel and is open and inviting to young and old. We also seek to engage with the local community in whatever way is possible.
When are your communion services?
We have our communion services twice a year, on the last Sunday in April and the second Sunday in November. We start with a Bible study on Friday evening, before our first service on Saturday night. Our service on Sunday morning includes the 'Lord's Supper' where we sit together and commemorate the death of Jesus our Saviour for us, as commanded in the Bible.
About our denomination
Our denomination is called the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing). Formed in 2000, we have congregations all over Scotland, as well as Northern Ireland and the USA. We also have strong links to churches in Spain, Sri- Lanka and Zambia. The website of the denomination can be found here.
Giving to our church
If you would like to support out work, you can donate securely via our PayPal account below.
The very center and core of the whole Bible is the doctrine of the grace of God." (J. Gresham Machen) |