.Last Sunday, despite minor technical difficulties, we were able to live-stream our services at 11am and 6pm. We hope to continue this until we are able to resume our sercies. This will be done using Zoom, which has been used successfully worldwide for church services, meetings and other conferences.
If you wish to listen to our services, details will be found on our denominations website, along with that of our sister churches. See link here. We look forward to welcoming you to join in our worship. The last week or so has proved a solemn one for our churches nationally. Our doors are closed, car parks empty, and we are as a people in unchartered territory. God is speaking to us, with a loud voice.
One positive is how technology has enabled many to stay 'connected' to their church, or enabled them to join in with other churches. God has not left his people without the provision of the gospel. For us at GRC, we hope to meet on Wednesday for our prayer meeting via audio conference, and then for Sunday coming, to have sermons uploaded on the church SoundCloud page. Other options will continue to be explored to meet the needs of all our folk. Keep tabs on this News page, or the Home page for links and news. The website of our denomination also gives links to our sister congregations and their worship arrangements. |
November 2024