In June, our Minister and his wife will be visiting Sri Lanka, to give a series of lectures there. As some of you may be aware, the denomination has a congregation in Sri Lanka, based in Vavuniya and also in Mullaitheevu. It is led by the Rev Shanmugam Partheepan and is regularly supported by ministers from Scotland.
In lieu of that, we're thankful and glad to have again, Mr Paul Crowe (NE Scotland Faith Mission supintendent) and Mr Kevin Macdonald, divinity student, with us for the first time. 26th May - Mr Paul Crowe 2nd June- Minister 9th June- Mr Paul Crowe 16th June - Mr K. Macdonald 23rd June - Mr K. Macdonald 30th June - Minister We are grateful to God to have enjoyed together our Communion Season with our visiting preacher, Rev. Kemp, of Scalpay FCC.
Our weekend began with our Bible study, led by our own minister, where we considered the subject of Prayer, probing what we pray for and the need for faith in our prayers. The Saturday evening service was on the theme of the Passover. On Sunday morning, consideration was given to a Messianic Psalm, Psalm 69 and specifically verse 4, thinking of things that Christ restored in His death and resurrection. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was then held. The Sunday evening service was on the theme, "and yet there is room," encouraging all to come in to the feast, as pictured in Luke 14:22. We concluded on Monday evening, with an encouragement to 'hold fast,' from Revelation 3:11. The sermons are available to listen to here. |
November 2024