We are deligthed to resume public worship in our church building as off Sunday the 28th March.
The wider church in Scotland has been encouraged this week by the ruling of Lord Braid, supporting many of the pleas of the petitioners regarding the restrictions put on worshippers by the Scottish Government. The website of Christian Concern explains the ruling in full. We look forward to meeting together again in person, and resuming our fellowship. During recent months, we have however been thankful to God for the joy of sharing our platform with the congregations in Beauly and Dores. Midweek and Sunday services were shared by the three Ministers of the respective congregations, and it was a real blessing to all, including the Ministers themselves, who had the rare opportunity to sit under the Word, and enjoy a time to listen. The times of fellowship after the services brought the congregations together closer than could ever have been anticipated in a pre-Covid society. God is good! |
June 2024