Three big things were achieved today; power, pressure and heat! After a busy week at GRC, the boiler is now fully up and running. We're grateful to Richard Irvin for ensuring we can use our church over the weekend. Some work will continue next week to tidy up some loose ends. Our thanks go again to the Finance Committee of our denomination, who have contributed heavily to this work. 'Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common.' Acts 4:32 The focus today was on all the wiring for our boiler. With the zoned control, we can control the heating more efficiently, meaning we can heat the fellowship area and kitchen separately from the main sanctuary. This also means lots of wires!
Progress continues at GRC with the central heating replacement. Photos below show the boiler now in place as well as the hot water tank. Electrical work is making good progress too.
Good progress is being made at GRC as the work continues on the central heating system. Today, new copper pipe-work, the flue and hot water tank were successfully installed.
Last year, we posted some news regarding a sister church in Gambia, on the West coat of Africa. Through the Gambia Partnership (see website here), this congregation and their pastor, Sylvester Konteh, are being supported and taught Reformed Theology. The article in the link below introduces us to Pastor Konteh and details some of the work going on over there.
We've always been a 'missional' denomination, so it's good to remember our brethren and sisters further afield, praying that the God who blessed our country with reformed teaching may visit them likewise. Meet Pastor Konteh See also here for a link to a short video where Pastor Konteh shares some of his background. |
November 2024