GRC rejoiced this week (07/04/19) as we met to Ordain Duncan Macdonald to the office of Elder within the church. Duncan has been part of the congregation for many years and previously served as a Deacon. This now means the congregation has its own 'Kirk Session,' which is a real milestone for the congregation.
On the day, we were joined by Glenn Fraser, our 'Assessor' Elder, who for years has faithfully 'sat-in' on the congregation's meetings to help us constitute a formal session for events such as Ordinations and Communions. Our sincere thanks go to Glenn, who frequently travelled from Inverness to be with us. Mr McGlynn preached on the day from Titus 1, looking at the Elder's love and the Elder's life. Please remember Duncan, his family, and the congregation in your prayers, that the work of God in Aberdeen might flourish. Comments are closed.
November 2024